NL Hydro L23(a) & L24(a) 230kV Transmission Line Inspections.
Top view of a power line
NL Hydro L23(a) & L24(a) 230kV Transmission Line Inspections.
Top view of a power line
Data’s Journey — Part 4: Annotations
Detect, in partnership with Newfoundland & Labrador Hydro (NLH) and Stantec, is excited to introduce a new series: “Data’s Journey”. This is a five-part series that takes you behind the scenes of our critical inspection processes. We’ll provide you with a deep dive into each of our steps, starting from the initial planning phase to visualizing collected and organized data on our platform, SCOPE.
Data’s Journey — Part 5: Data Visualization and Consumption
Detect, in partnership with Newfoundland & Labrador Hydro (NLH) and Stantec, is excited to introduce a new series: “Data’s Journey”. This is a five-part series that takes you behind the scenes of our critical inspection processes. We’ll provide you with a deep dive into each of our steps, starting from the initial planning phase to visualizing collected and organized data on our platform, SCOPE.
Image of a powerline
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Data’s Journey — Part 1: Planning
Detect, in partnership with Newfoundland & Labrador Hydro (NLH) and Stantec, is excited to introduce a new series: “Data’s Journey”. This is a five-part series that takes you behind the scenes of our critical inspection processes. We’ll provide you with a deep dive into each of our steps, starting from the initial planning phase to visualizing collected and organized data on our platform, SCOPE.
Labrador City, NL
Data Management & Analysis
Tips and Tricks from the Field for Safe and Efficient Drone Inspections
Master the art of drone inspections: execute safe, efficient flights and capture crystal-clear data with our expert field tips and tricks.
Drone Inspection
Halifax, NS
Drone Technology & Inspection
Automated Flight Planning — the First Step to Revolutionizing Your Inspection Program
Drone technology has revolutionized the physical infrastructure inspection industry, allowing for faster and safer inspections of hard-to-reach locations. However, to ensure the success of your inspection program, it’s critical to have a well-planned flight plan. In this article, we’ll discuss the importance of automated flight planning and the key components of a successful flight plan.
Drone Inspection
Halifax, NS
Drone Technology & Inspection
Drone Inspections: The Future of Powerline Inspections
For decades, power companies have relied on traditional methods of inspecting their power lines, including ground and helicopter inspections. While these methods have proven effective in the past, they come with their own set of limitations and risks. In recent years, drone inspections have emerged as a more efficient, cost-effective, and safe alternative to traditional inspection methods.
Drone Inspection
Halifax, NS
Drone Technology & Inspection
Let’s Go Flying — An Introduction to Canadian Drone Laws, Registration, and Licenses
Detect has prepared the following article to get you quickly up to speed to operate drones (also referred to as a UAV — Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) legally and safely in Canada. All information below has been sourced directly from Transport Canada, NAV CANADA, and the National Research Council Canada.
Halifax, NS
Planning & Operations